<% Function Lpad (inputStr, padChar, lengthStr) Lpad = string(lengthStr - Len(inputStr),padChar) & inputStr End Function %> <% current = "homepage" sql="select top 3 *" sql=sql&" from NewsData" sql=sql&" where ND_Show=1" sql=sql&" and now() between ND_StarDate and dateadd('d',1,iif(IsNull(ND_EndDate),now(),ND_EndDate))" sql=sql&" order by ND_StarDate desc" sql=sql&" ,ND_SID desc" set NewsDB=conn.execute(sql) ' sqlEd="select top 3 *" ' sqlEd=sqlEd&" from EduData" ' sqlEd=sqlEd&" where ED_Show=true" ' sqlEd=sqlEd&" order by ED_FDate desc" ' sqlEd=sqlEd&" ,ED_SID desc" ' set EduDB=conn.execute(sqlEd) sqlEd="select top 3 *" sqlEd=sqlEd&" from EduData" sqlEd=sqlEd&" where ED_Show=true" sqlEd=sqlEd&" and ED_TDATE>=now()" sqlEd=sqlEd&" order by ED_FDATE" set EduDB=conn.execute(sqlEd) sqlPd="select top 6 *" sqlPd=sqlPd&" from PeopleType" sqlPd=sqlPd&" order by ID asc" set PeopleDB=conn.execute(sqlPd) %>

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<% firstDayWeekday = Weekday(year(date())&"/"&month(date())&"/1") if firstDayWeekday <> "1" then for x=2 to firstDayWeekday %> <% next end if %> <% '計算當年度的月份有幾天 dtmFirstOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(date()),Month(date()),1) GetDaysInMonth = Day(DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m",1,dtmFirstOfMonth))) Dim i for i=1 to GetDaysInMonth step +1 eduDay = Year(date())&"/"&Lpad(Month(date()),"0",2)&"/"&Lpad(i,"0",2) sqlCa="select top 1 *" sqlCa=sqlCa&" from EduData" sqlCa=sqlCa&" where Format(ED_FDate, ""yyyy/mm/dd"")="&"'"&eduDay&"'" sqlCa=sqlCa&" and ED_Show=True" set CaDB=conn.execute(sqlCa) if CaDB.bof and CaDB.eof then%> "><%=i%> <%else do while not (CaDB.eof or CaDB.bof)%> ">"><%=i%> <%CaDB.movenext Loop end if next%>




<% do while not (PeopleDB.eof or PeopleDB.bof)%>


<% sqlType="select *" sqlType=sqlType&" from PeopleType2nd" sqlType=sqlType&" where ET_ID="&PeopleDB("ID") sqlType=sqlType&" order by SHOW" set TypeDB=conn.execute(sqlType) %>
<% PeopleDB.movenext Loop%>