
<% dbname=spath&"ND_web.asp" '輸入資料庫位置 set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBPath1=Server.MapPath(dbname) Conn.open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DBPath1 ' X1=array("1一、員工教育委員會課程","2二、護理部課程","3三、各科課程","4四、感控課程") X1=array("1員工教育委員會課程","2護理部課程","3各科課程","4感控課程") for j=0 to 3 %>
<% if j=0 then %>




<%end if%>
<% SQL="select * from ND_edu where 種類='"&X1(j)&"' " set RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") RS.open SQL,CONN,1,3 ' response.write SQL a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 DO WHILE NOT RS.EOF ' IF rs(4)="不開放" THEN ' rs(4)="不開放院外" ' END IF a0 =rs(0) a1 =rs(1) '刊登日期 a2 =mid(rs(2),2,10) '種類 a3 =rs(3) '題目 a4 =rs(4) a5 =rs(5) '講師 a6 =rs(6) '上課日期 a7 =rs(7) '地點 a8 =rs(8) a9 =rs(9) if datevalue(a6) >=date and j=0 then a=a+1 response.write "("&a&")"&a3&"-"& a9&"("& a4&")
" end if if datevalue(a6) >=date and j<>0 then b=b+1 response.write"("&B&")"&a3&"---"& a9&"---("& a4&")
" response.write"___講師:"&a5&"
" response.write"___時間:"&a6&","&a8&",地點:"&a7&"

" end if RS.MOVENEXT LOOP %>

